Dr. Kundyz Mukatayeva holds a PhD in Education and works in the International Office at Toraighyrov University in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Dr. Mukatayeva is currently a VIPP Bolshak scholar at Michigan State University. The VIPP Bolashak Program brings professionals and scholars from Kazakhstan to MSU for innovative education opportunities. VIPP is proud to be able to support participants through the VIPP Endowment fund, and help VIPP participants attend events such as the Michigan Association of International Educators Conference. Read Dr. Mukatayeva's reflections on her experiences at the conference and the presentation of her session "Central Asian Country's Higher Education Internationalization Experience."
The first day, March, 15 was training day, where I attended the workshop on International Recruitment 101, the session Chair was Jim Crawley from Hope College. During the session different approaches of international students' recruitment were highlighted. The workshop is covered the following issues: the ramifications of increased international students enrollment, what are the significant and important issues to consider while recruiting international students, ways of finding and recruiting them, the mining process for students, the important places to visit, using various resources, working with Agents, positive aspects and challenges, working with Alumni in international recruitment, consideration of communication plans, admission process and etc. At the end of the day the Certificate of attendance was given to the participants.
Starting from the second day the Conference began with opportunities to take part in different sessions. Overall there were offered 30 different sessions within two days of the Conference. On March 16, I attended seven sessions: "The importance of developing pre-departure programs" (Chairperson: Dr. Tara Braun); "OPT Filling- common issues, challenges, and the best practices" (B. Nuveman, M. Roskamp); "International students and Cannabis Do not mix" (S. Cooper, S. Manley, D. Rey et.al.); "Developing a typology of internationalization strategies in higher education" (Yu. Zhang); "Integrating universal design for learning into international education initiatives" (W.Sherman); "Engaged learning and practical training" (S. Manley, D. Rey, B. Stokdyk); and "Campus Emergency Planning for SEVP-certified schools" (D. Morris, B. Tinkahm). In addition, a keynote speaker Karin Fisher gave a short speech and addressed the topics of the COVID-2019 pandemic, increasing worldwide competitions for top students, skepticism about the value of global engagement and change of international education.
The second day of the conference, March 17, eight sessions were offered. I presented a session titled "Central Asian country's higher education internationalization experience" where the realization of the academic mobility program: Toraighyrov University experience was presented. Additionally, on the final day I attended two sessions: "Homeland security investigations" (V. Stainley, S. Pettey) and "Government Q and A" (B. Stokdyk).
The MAIE conference was very informative and it was a great opportunity to meet colleagues from different higher education institutions, share ideas and exchange experiences. It was my first experience participating in a conference in the US and presenting a speech and leading a session. I learned a lot from the colleagues and got familiar with the challenges of the American higher education institutions educators in working with international students and scholars. This conference participation was a valuable experience on my internship at MSU.
Learn more about the Visiting International Professional Program (VIPP) at vipp.msu.edu.