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2020 Global Voices Essay Contest - Latin America

GYAN announces winners of 3rd annual essay contest
Global Voices - Latin America and the Caribbean

GYAN, in collaboration with the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), received inspiring essays from 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean! Contestants, between the ages of 15-24, responded to the theme, "Confronting Inequity," with essays that described their efforts to challenge racial and gender inequalities, conserve the environment, and promote education for positive change. Contestants shared stories about their community interventions which ranged from grassroots student groups to national level advocacy, from business ventures to educational nonprofits and more!

A panel of six judges from GYAN, CLACS, the College of Education, and the Department of Romance and Classical Studies determined the contest winners, who received the following prizes:

  • First Prize: 400 USD
  • Second Prize: 150 USD
  • Third Prize: 150 USD

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all contest participants! 

Read more in CLACS' director, Dr. Laurie Medina's introductory and congratulatory remarks

Contest Winners

1st Place 

Maria Antônia C. Deziderio.png

Maria Antônia C. Deziderio


Why My Hair Is Not Just Hair

2nd Place

Ralycia Andrews.png

Ralycia Andrews

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Walamiseru, "Our Sad Experience"

3rd Place

Diana Monserrat Vicezar Torres .png

Diana Monserrat Vicezar Torres


Mymba Rayhu - Animal Love

Honorable Mention

In addition to our winners, the following contestants received an honorable mention from our judges:

Read the essays below, selected for our Volume II Global Voices – Latin America and the Caribbean publication!

Challenging Racial and Ethnic Inequalities

Chapter Introduction: Kiana González Cedeño

Conserving the Environment

Chapter Introduction: Vanessa Garcia Polanco

Educating for Change

Chapter Introduction: Marisol Masso

  • Educarte | Mexico | Maria Jose Garcia Ramirez
  • Firm Lines | Peru | Julio William López Guevara
  • Panamae | Panama | Kevin Antonio Quintero Loja

Promoting Gender Equality

Chapter Introduction: Nerli Paredes Ruvalcaba